Saturday, January 07, 2006

Christmas went so well this year that I want to remember what I did for next year. Since fibrofog had rendered me stupid, I needed to keep track of everything I did. I could not count on remembering anything. And worse, the stress of TRYING to remember everything would have made me sicker.

Lists included:

a list of the kids' sizes and my husband's sizes
wish list from each child
list of what I wanted to give each child
what I wanted to give my husband (had to be kept private from him)
what I wanted to give HIS family
what I wanted to give MY family

A list of what I needed to get from:
Radio Shack
and the mall

I had to keep a list of what I figured Santa was bringing each child

Then each child had a list for I had bought for them and tucked away
MY extended family had a list
My husband's family had a list
and I had a list for what I had bought for my husband

As I was wrapping things, I kept a list of what was already wrapped - a few times I forgot to write it down, and I had to re-open the package as I couldn't remember what was in there! This happened twice with packages I HAD JUST WRAPPED.

(For any healthy people reading this, I know this sounds extreme, but that's how it is when fibrofog hits - a normally "with it" person can become totally witless.)

As it ended up, Santa was very fair to our kids this year, and he brought them things pretty much equal in monetary value - and Wow! value.

And we were fair in what we gave the kids, as well. They each got something huge, and some smaller things, too. By huge, I don't mean expensive - I mean the $20 enormous soft stuffed dog from Costco for my daughter, and that sort of thing.

We spent less than usual, but it looked like more.

The only thing that did go perfectly was gifts for the relatives. Some of them got way more than others. I stressed about this a little bit, then decided to let it go. I could only do so much, and I know they would NOT want me getting sicker over something like that.

The most important thing is that when I was so sick I thought "I can't do this" I managed to - simply by thinking outside the box and really acknowledging how bad the situation was - and doing extreme planning to keep me from going under. It worked!

I did make a new year's resolution that I am keeping so far - every payday, we buy something for Christmas. I see something nice, on sale, and get it - at home, it goes into the "Christmas" box in my closet.


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