Tuesday, March 28, 2006


I have found that certain forms of exercise make my fibromyalgia symptoms worse - including walking. Other exercise, over a period of time, can help a great deal.

I spent a summer swimming 4 days a week - the first day I could barely make it across the pool once. By the end of the summer, I was doing 35 laps. I felt wonderful! I was able to move around much better.

I am hoping to find a pool I can use daily in my new neighborhood!

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

NOT an immune system problem?

Whoa. This is cool.

Recent fibromyalgia findings

Essentially, there is nothing specifically immunological in fibromyalgia – and if there is, whatever little there is, I think it is secondary to the central nervous system problem that fibromyalgia patients have,” says Dr. Muhammad Yunas. “It’s a chronic, neurologic disease.”

This would explain why something like a car accident could trigger the disease. This is very interesting, and hopeful. I feel as thought they are getting closer to an answer.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

living with fibromyalgia

I had a great month, and now I am starting to have another flare-up. I felt so good for so long, knowing this is happening - and not knowing how bad it will get or how long it will last - is creating a bit of anxiety for me.

This time I am taking it very easy. At the first sign of the flare, I slowed down. Not fast enough, I don't think - but I definitely have slowed down. One thing I've noticed is that I am having symptoms - my ligaments are loose (my knee started to go out last night), I feel the stress in my back, the muscles in my arms ache a little. But pain is not the worst symptom. I think that by taking it easier than I normally do, right from the beginning of the flare, I am perhaps avoiding the worst of it.

We'll see!

I am wondering if anybody has tried Goji fruit?